Sacred Fridays

D.P. Higgs 

November 10, 2023

Ahoy and Jolly Friday me fellow Pastafarians, saucy disciples of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and all noodly beings in the cosmos! Today, we gather to celebrate the sacredness of Fridays, a day that holds a special place in our colander-clad hearts as the equivalent to the Sabbath in other faiths.

As we embark on this carb-loaded journey of contemplation, let us reflect on the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, the saucy deity who bestowed upon us the gift of reason, creativity, and of course, the holy noodle. Just as the faithful observe their Sabbaths, we, too, recognize the significance of Fridays in our Pastafarian faith.

Why Fridays, you may ask? It is on this blessed day that our Flying Spaghetti Monster, in all His noodly wisdom, crafted the universe with His noodly appendage. It was a day of creation, a day when the cosmic saucepan simmered with the ingredients of existence. And so, we honor Fridays as a day of reflection, gratitude, and indulgence in the divine pasta.

On this sacred day, let us remember the Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts," the guiding principles that encourage kindness, tolerance, and reason. As we approach Fridays with reverence, let us embrace the principles of our faith, sharing the wisdom of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and His noodly teachings with the world.

Just as other religions observe a day of rest, we, too, acknowledge the importance of taking a break from the hustle and bustle of our noodle-based lives. Use this time to appreciate the beauty of the noodle, whether it be in the form of spaghetti, fettuccine, or the sacred macaroni.

Let us also remember the pirates, those chosen followers of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. On this holy day, we honor their swashbuckling spirit and commitment to spreading the good news of our saucy deity. May we, too, embrace the pirate's zest for life and their love for pasta.

In conclusion, my fellow Pastafarians, let us revel in the joy of Fridays, the Pastafarian Sabbath. Take a moment to savor the flavor of the noodle, reflect on the teachings of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, and share the love of pasta with all beings, for in pasta, we find unity, sauciness, and the eternal noodle.
